There are really only three ways to make a mistake.
First, you might have rotated the Cube itself, instead of making a twist. This also happens when you drop the Cube mid-sequence.
Second, you may have followed the arrows incorrectly, such as making two "down"moves instead of a "down" and an "up."
Third, you might have gotten confused by looking at inactive pieces, cubies we are currently ignoring, such as an edge piece when we are working on corners, or vice versa.
However, no real worries. That is just setup for more practice. In all actuality, messing the Cube up is the hardest part of solving, and you just did it easily. I'm only half joking about this, because when one is beginning, they tend to panic over scrambling, because they value too heavily what they've done so far, underestimating how easily it can be replaced. Inversely, the more practiced one becomes, the more they see patterns as they scramble, and it is hard to move beyond that.
So, seriously, count this as just an excuse to practice again what you've done, and begin again when you are ready. Don't fight the Cube. Remember, it's a toy; if you aren't having fun, put it down, and come back after a break to rest your mind.