Now that your Corners are correct to each other, the Colors on the Corners determine the color which all the pieces on that side will be. All the Center pieces (which only have one color) will be on the side that is bordered by the four Corners of that Color. All the Edge pieces (which have two colors) will be on the Edge between the Corners that have those two colors.
For the Corners, we worked first with Yellow and then with it's opposite, White, and working with them in sets of four. For the Edges, we will work with both of these two colors simultaneously, placing one Edge piece at a time.
While we are working with the Edges, we will be ignoring all the Center pieces, and will be focusing on only one edge piece at a time.
For the entirety of this step, we will be keeping the Corners stable to each other for SETUP, and PLACEMENT will return the corners to a correct position.
Hold the Cube so that the Yellow and White sides (as defined by the colors on the Corners) are facing Left and Right in your hands.
Because the White and Yellow pieces will be placed in the same manner, the Active Color will be represented by the Color Purple.
Formula B will move an Edge piece from a Top-Front position into a Front-Left position. It's mirror movements will place an Edge piece from a Top-Front position into a Front-Right position. To make this advantageous, we must first setup the cube so that a Yellow or White piece is in a Top-Front position to begin with.
With the Yellow and White corners facing the Left and Right sides, ignore all the cubes except the Edge pieces that are in the middle section of the Cube. Rotate the Cube freely toward and away from you to get a good look at all the Edge pieces that are in the middle section (defined as not the far Left or far Right columns).
Look for and select an Edge piece in the middle area which has either Yellow or White on it. Of the two colors on that Edge piece, the Yellow or White color should be on the Top face, with the second color facing front. If this is not the case, Rotate the Cube so that the Left and Right colors switch places with each other, and begin SETUP again.
With the Yellow and White colors on the Left and Right sides of the Cube, and with an Edge piece that has one of these two colors in a Top-Front position, with the Active color on top, determine the second color of Active piece. Rotate the Left and Right Columns together with each other, to bring the Corners with the second color on the front of the Active Edge piece to the Front of the Cube, so that the front second color matches the Corners color on the front.
With your Active Color on top of the Active piece, and with the second color matching the front Corner color, you must determine which direction the piece will be moving: is the Active Color (Yellow or White) on the Left side or the Right side?
Use the appropriate Formula B to place the Active Piece. The two Columns being used are the Edge column where the piece will end up, and the middle column where the piece begins. This one will Place to the Left.
Use the mirror of Formula B to place to the Right.
After placing the Active Piece either to the Left or the Right, return to SETUP above and continue until all the Yellow and White Edges are properly placed.
When all the Yellow and White Edge pieces are placed from the middle area of the Cube to the Left and Right (Yellow and White) sides, one of two situations will occur. Either the White and Yellow Edge pieces will be correctly placed, or some of them may be incorrectly placed on the Left and Right sides. If this is the case, these incorrectly placed pieces will be displaced and correctly placed in the next step.